Student Resource Guides

Being a student pilot can be difficult, but a quality guide can help you through it. Utilize the following guides and reach out if you need additional topics!

Understanding Pre-Flight

Briefing Cards


The preflight of an aircraft is critical to the safety and wellbeing of any pilot or airplane. The following guide will walk you through the basic concepts of a pre-flight inspection including weather and performance calculations.

There are key briefings that must be performed prior to the departure of an aircraft. As a checklist item, there is little guidance on how to do this. Use the following briefing card to help you on your next flight!

Let's face it. Communications can be overwhelming in the aviation world as it's filled with abbreviations, jargon, and the daunting tower controller. Read the following guide to get a basic understanding of aircraft communications!

Checkride Ready

The day has finally arrived and you're ready for your checkride! Lets finish what you've started! Use the following checkride checklist to prepare you for the day. All students must purchase a 1" binder with paper separators prior to sitting down for the pre-checkride inspection. We will assemble all documents to ensure that you are thoroughly prepared! Good luck!